Application Instructions
Applications Due Dec. 13, 2024!
All applications must include detailed information. Each company will be judged for the categories listed below. Awards are based on the details provided in the application form. To submit your application, please compile your responses to each question in a word document and then convert into a PDF. Upload using the submission information at the bottom of the page. Please upload any additional information in a PDF or image file type as indicated below. There are additional upload fields for financial data and graphics which are required for the ceremony design elements. Any photos you would like considered as part of your application should be included within your application PDF.
IMPORTANT: The maximum file size for uploading documents or images is 2 megabytes per file. Acceptable formats are PDF, DOC, DOCX, JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF.
Download step-by-step instructions for what to include in your online application.
Read all award eligibility and requirements here.

1: Develop detailed application

2: Gather company artwork

3: Provide contact information

4: Submit all application materials