Join us Feb 16
This program celebrates the successes of manufacturers in our state: your innovations, philanthropy, technological advances, commitment to customer satisfaction and the quality jobs you create. Winners will be revealed and nominees honored at the Manufacturer of the Year Award Ceremony at The Pfister Hotel in downtown Milwaukee on Feb 16.
Registration for the banquet coming soon!
Black-tie Attire
$150.00 per person
The Chief Executive Officer (or representative) of the nominated company will receive one complimentary registration for the banquet.
For more event information, please contact the MOTY Coordinator at 414 777 5382 or
Complimentary event-only parking passes will be available at the registration table for banquet attendees who use the Pfister Hotel’s parking structure. Nearby alternative parking options and street parking are also available.
The Pfister Hotel
424 East Wisconsin Avenue
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
The Program
5:30 p.m. Cocktail Reception
7:00 p.m. Dinner
8:00 p.m. Awards Presentation
9:30 p.m. After Party hosted by M3 Insurance
The Pfister Hotel
Phone: 800-558-8222